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B2B Strategy, Small & Local Business SEO. Audits, Strategy Creation & Implementation, Consulting, Reports, etc.

Social Media

A partner for audits, strategy, content creation, promotion, measurement, reporting.

Websites for Growth

Web design & content planning, lead generation strategy, marketing automation for sales enablement, conversion optimization, & more.

Training & Advising

Work along side in-house teams, administrative support, & entrepreneurs to advise on implementation, define processes,  & use content marketing tools.

Content Marketing Audits & Roadmaps.

Content Marketing Consulting & Training.

Content Creation. Publishing. Promotion.

Content Marketing Goals, KPIs, Reports.

Content Optimization for Lead Generation.


Social Media Content.   SEO Content.  

Website Content.   Campaign Content.  

Paid Ads Content.   Digital PR Content.  

Email Nurturing Content.   Customer Loyalty Content.



Hi! I'm Markelle Harden.

Not only do I have experience in building data-driven marketing campaigns, I understand that without effective marketing, sales won't happen, and businesses won't grow.

I love helping businesses solve digital marketing challenges, identify the path of least resistance to ROI, and implement growth marketing strategies that improve long-term visibility, generate more leads, and increase sales.   


  • 15+ years building digital campaigns for lead generation
  • CRM & Pipeline Software
  • Google Marketing Platform (Analytics, Ads, Search Console, Trends)
  • SEO, SEM, Social Media
  • Website Optimization
  • Conversion Optimization
  • Digital PR


University of Pittsburgh, Bachelor of Science

UNC Charlotte: WordPress Design Certificate

At the beginning of my sales and marketing career, my income relied entirely on lead generation and sales (i.e., zero salary and zero customer lists). Our strategy? Marketing our website, building an email list, and gathering phone numbers. Revolutionary, right? 

At the time, it WAS very innovative. Why? There was no Google, no iPhone. We identified a path forward, implemented it, and it worked. I didn't learn about lead generation, growth marketing, or content marketing strategy in a classroom or a webinar; I lived it. 

Six years later, I started a virtual assistant marketing company for real estate brokerages, became a Mom, and moved across the country (good-bye Phoenix, hello Carolinas).

And then...the Great Recession. Existing home sales fell by 53%, the number of new home builders dropped by 50%, and the National Association of Realtors saw a 29% drop in membership.

If my business can grow and evolve after the Great Recession reduced my target industry to breadcrumbs, I can help you identify the best path forward. I am very clear about what Classy Inbound can and cannot do. If we can help you, we'll transform your marketing into an asset for your business. If we can't, I'll point you in the right direction. 

Let's discuss competitors, marketing budgets, digital channels, and strategy. Book your complementary strategy session with Markelle and get one step closer to a growth marketing strategy that builds your business pipeline.